Friday, October 31, 2008

Hannah - The Long Walk

John W - Here's my granddaughter contemplating life as she treks the beach ...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ian's kiting

So, inspite of the fact that matric is around the corner, Ian entered the annual kite surfing competition held at Sodwana last week.  This sees kiters from all over South Africa getting together, kiting, getting to know each other and having GREAT fun.  It was his first taste of competition and so he entered the Novices section.  He walked away with the number 1 spot, R800 spending money and a custom made board worth R4 750 - not to mention the fun he had and the new friends he made.  A good experience indeed ............


Monday, October 13, 2008

Adi - I couldn't resist.

I was browsing through some old pictures the other day when I came across this STUNNER!!....then I had a second, closer look and realised...OMIGOSH!!!! Popsie, oh you were so beautiful....what happened? ;o)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

John W - Dhow Project

Bill & I have just returned from Nacala in Northern Mozambique, where we successfully dimantled Kingsley Holgate's dhow Spirit of Adventure. The job took a fortnight, with a week's travel either side.

Yesterday, the dhow pieces were containerised for transport to Centurion, where the dhow will be rebuilt, and will be the centrepiece for a new adventure centre shopping complex.

Plenty of hard work and new experiences for us on the 8500km odyssey.

Like crossing the Zambezi on a ferry, and getting lost in Nampula, Moz's third largest city.

There are a lot of Africans in Africa!

Here's where we had our sundowners every evening.
Kingsley joined us for a week, and regaled us with fantastic stories about his recent adventure Africa - Outside Edge. He travelled around the coastline of Africa, within 50km of the coast, in 448 days. We also met a seaweed farmer and left-handed Phillipino guitarist ...
What an Adventure!